ठंड में हमारे मुंह में से भाप क्यो निकलती हैं? Amazing and interesting facts

सर्दी में हमारे मुंह से भाप क्यों निकलती है? इसका क्या कारण है? और क्या आपको पता है कि अगर हमारी body के सारे muscles को निकालकर एक ही जगह fit कर दिया जाए तो वह कितना वजन उठा पाएगा? 

ऐसे ही amazing और interesting facts आज आप जानोगे। चलो शुरू करते हैं-

 Fact no. 7-

June 2016 में Twitter में बहुत बड़ा hacking attack हुआ था और करीब 3,30,00000 लोगों का Twitter account hack हो गया था और उनमें से करीब 1,20,000 लोगों का पासवर्ड था 12345678।

Fact no. 6-

Chile का Alacama Desert एक ऐसी जगह है जहां पर कभी भी बारिश नहीं हुई। हां, जब से पृथ्वी की शुरुआत हुई है तब से एक बूंद भी वहां बारिश नहीं हुई।

Fact no. 5-

अगर एक human body के सारे muscles को combine कर दें तो वह करीब 25 ton तक का वजन उठा सकता है।

Fact no. 4-

अगर आप दो गिलास लो जिनमें से एक में ठंडा पानी है और दूसरे में गर्म, तो अगर आप उन दोनों को fridge में रखोगे तो कौन सा गिलास पहले बर्फ बनेगा? आप कहोगे कि सीधी सी बातें हैं ठंडा वाला जल्दी बर्फ बनेगा क्योंकि वह पहले से ही ठंडा है, लेकिन नहीं गर्म पानी ज्यादा जल्दी बर्फ बनेगा और ठंडा पानी देर में बर्फ बनेगा। इसे scientist ने mpemba effect कहा है।

Fact no. 3-

जब आप शर्माते हो तो आपके गालों के साथ-साथ आपका पेट भी लाल होता है यानि शर्माते वक्त आपका मुंह तो लाल होता ही है जिसका scientific कारण यह है कि उस time आपके मुंह में ज्यादा blood पहुंचने लगता है और साथ ही आपके पेट की lines भी लाल हो जाती हैं।

Fact no. 2-

घोड़ा बहुत तेज दौड़ता है यह आपको पता ही होगा लेकिन जो ostrich होता है, शुतुरमुर्ग होता है वह घोड़े से भी तेज दौड़ता है।

Fact no. 1-

सर्दी में सुबह-सुबह मुंह में से भाप क्यों निकलती है? तो इसका जवाब है कि जो आप निकलता हुआ देखते हो वह असल में पानी होता है आपको यह पता ही होगा कि आप oxygen लेते हो और जब आप सांस छोड़ते हो तो CO² बाहर निकलती है। तो बात यह है कि सिर्फ CO² ही बाहर नहीं निकलती बल्कि साथ में पानी भी बाहर निकलता है लेकिन वह आपको दिखता नहीं है क्योंकि वह invisible होता है और इसे invisible रहने के लिए warm temperature चाहिए, energy चाहिए। ठंड में उसे warm temperature और energy नहीं मिल पाती जिसकी वजह से वह बाप बनकर निकलता है।

Motivational story | 200 Rs. से 2000 करोड़ तक का सफर | Madan Paliwal |


            Madan Paliwal

अक्सर लोग बड़े target hit करने के चक्कर में छोटे target को भूल जाते हैं। लोग सोचते हैं कि जब भी कुछ करूंगा बड़ा करूंगा और यहीं पर लोग गलती कर बैठते हैं। इसी से related एक real story है Madan Paliwal की Miraj group के founder जिन्होंने ₹200 से शुरू किया और 2000 करोड रुपए तक का सफर तय किया। कैसे? आइए जानते हैं।

जब Madan 7वी कक्षा में थे तभी से उन्होंने अपने business की शुरुआत कर ली थी। हालांकि वह उसमें successful नहीं हुए क्योंकि उस time उनके पास इतना पैसा नहीं था। शुरुआत करने का एक सबसे बड़ा फायदा यह हुआ कि उन्हें business की knowledge हो गई कि business कैसे किया जाता है।

 हजार लोग ऐसे होते हैं जो सोचते हैं कि मैं कुछ बड़ा करूंगा पर उनमें से एक ऐसा होता है जो कि छोठी ही सही लेकिन शुरुआत कर देता है और वो उन हजार लोगों से कहीं आगे होता है क्योंकि उसने शुरुआत कर ली है।

Madan Paliwal ने बचपन में ही सोच लिया था कि मैं बड़े होकर business ही करूंगा। आगे चलकर उन्होंने कई सारे business किए। जैसे की नमकीन बनाने का, plastic bags बेचने का यहां तक कि उन्होंने अपने दोस्त के वहां पर एक पाव भाजी वाले के पास भी काम किया। उनमें उन्हें सफलता तो नहीं मिली पर वह निराश भी नहीं हुए क्योंकि वह सोचते थे कि business मे loss profit तो होता ही है, यही सोचकर वह आगे बढ़ते रहें और नई-नई चीजें try करते रहे। लगातार failure मिल रही थी और जिम्मेदारियां भी उनकी बढ़ रही थी इसलिए उन्होंने अपनी condition देखते हुए एक government job join कर ली। हालांकि उनका सपना businessman बनने का था, वह जॉब से खुश नहीं थे पर फिर भी उन्होंने अपनी situation देखते हुए यह काम किया। वह खाली time में सोचते रहते थे कि मैं क्या business कर सकता हूं।

  एक बार public transport करते वक्त उनके पास वाले ने उन्हें तंबाकू offer किया जिससे उनके मन में एक idea आया कि ये business हो सकता है फिर उन्होंने Miraj group की स्थापना की और उनका मिराज तंबाकू बहुत famous हुआ। और उनका यह business बहुत successful रहा और आगे चलकर उन्होंने बहुत सारे fields में अपना हाथ अपनाया और बाद में उन्होंने फिल्म production में भी अपना हाथ बढ़ाया।   उन्हें sports में भी interest था इसलिए उन्होंने stadium भी खोला और सारे बिजनेस उनके सफल रहे। उन्होंने 1987 में almost ₹200 से अपना business शुरू किया था पर आज उनका पूरा business का value 2000 करोड़ से भी ज्यादा है।

अगर Madan अपने business की शुरुआत ही नहीं करते, अपनी situation को देखकर government job में ही रहते तो क्या वो आज इतने बड़े मुकाम पर होते हैं? पूरी story को सिर्फ तीन लाइन में समझ लो-

1. जो करना है,  शुरुआत कर दो।

2. Fail हो तो अटकना मत आगे बढ़ते जाना।

3. अगर कुछ करना है तो आगे बढ़ना ही पड़ेगा, risk लेना ही पड़ेगा और अपने comfort zone से बाहर आना ही पड़ेगा, otherwise कुछ नहीं हो सकता।

How to increase memory power? अपनी स्मरण शक्ति को कैसे बढ़ाए?


  Increase memory power within 7 days

  क्या आपके साथ ऐसा होता है कि आप कुछ याद करते हो पर उसे ज्यादा देर तक याद नहीं रख पाते और आप अपनी learning power को increase करना चाहते हो, तो आज मैं आपको कुछ ऐसे tips दूंगा जिससे आपकी learning power और intelligence 10 गुना बढ़ जाएगी।

  अगर आपको अपनी learning power बढ़ानी है तो आपको अपने mind को शांत करना होगा आप notice करना आपका दिमाग पूरे दिन busy रहता है आपके दिमाग में बहुत सारी images और बातें चलती रहती हैं। आपको बस अपने mind में जो बातें चल रही हैं उन्हें शांत करना है और अगर इसे आप सिर्फ 1 हफ्ते तक करोगे तो आपका माइंड खुद शांत हो जाएगा और आपकी समझने की शक्ति और intelligence बढ़ जाएगी क्योंकि जब आपका माइंड शांत रहता है तब वह ज्यादा अच्छी तरह से काम कर पाता है। इसके बाद आप यह भी चाहोगे कि मेरी intelligence तो ऐसे बढ़ जाएगी पर memory power कैसे बढ़ेगी? तो किसी भी चीज को हम अपने 5 senses की मदद से याद रख पाते हैं हमारे 5 senses हैं:

(a) Visual: किसी चीज को देखकर याद करने को visual learning कहते हैं। जैसे आपने road पर किसी कार को देखा और उसे याद रख लिया यानी आपने उस कार की image को अपने मन में बैठा लिया। इसमें आपने visual learning का प्रयोग किया। 

(b) Auditory sense: यानी आवाज को याद रखना। आपने अपने favourite singer के गाने तो जरूर सुने होंगे, तो उनकी आवाज आपको याद रहती है। इसे ही ऑडिटरी लर्निंग कहते हैं।

(c) Olfactory sense: किसी भी perfume की smell आपको इसी olfactory sense यानि nose की मदद से याद रह पाती है।

(d) Taste: अपनी favourite dish की taste आपको याद रहती है तभी तो वो आपकी favourite है। यह आपको इसी की मदद से याद रह पाती है।

(e) Feel: किसी गरम तवे पर हाथ रखना कैसा लगता है यह आपको पता ही होगा तो यह आप इसी sense की मदद से कर पाते हो।

  हमारा brain किसी computer से भी ज्यादा तेज होता है। और अब आप सोच रहे होगे कि अगर हमारा दिमाग computer से भी ज्यादा तेज है तो हम चीजों को याद क्यों नहीं कर पाते? तो इसका जवाब है कि आपको चीजों को याद रखने की सही technique नहीं पता।आप अगर किसी चीज को याद रखना चाहते हो तो आप रट्टा मारते हो और आप यहां सिर्फ एक sense यानि Auditory sense का इस्तेमाल करते हो अगर आपको 5 senses मिली है तो आप एक sense का इस्तेमाल क्यों कर रहे हो? अगर आप पांचों senses का use करके किसी चीज को याद करोगे तो आपको वह कई सालों तक भी याद रहेगी। जब भी आप कोई चीज याद कर रहे हो तो उसे रटने की जगह उसे feel करो। अगर आप कोई line याद करना चाहते हो तो आप अपने माइंड में उसकी एक story create कर दो फिर वह लाइन आपको सालों साल तक याद रहेगी।

  कई बार ऐसा भी होता है कि आपने सब कुछ अच्छी तरह से याद कर लिया पर exam time पर आपको वह सब याद नहीं रहता यह होता है ये आपकी state of mind, आपकी exam के डर की वजह से होता है। आप जब भी exam hall में बैठो तो exam शुरू होने से पहले 10 से 15 बार गहरी सांस लो। इससे आपके अंदर ज्यादा oxygen जाएगी और आप relax हो जाओगे, जिससे आप सब कुछ याद रख पाओगे। 

Amazing superpower in our body that you don't know.

 आप सोचते होंगे कि अगर मेरे पास भी super-power होती तो कितना मजा आता। लेकिन चिंता मत करो आपकी body में ऐसी super-powers है जिनके बारे में आप अनजान हो। तो आज मैं आपको इन्हीं superpowers के बारे में बताऊंगा और इन्हें हासिल करने की technique भी बताऊंगा।

1. Body temperature control.

यह बहुत ही cool superpower है इस superpower से आप अपने body temperature को अपनी मर्जी से control कर सकते हो। यह कैसे करें? तो इसके लिए आपको सिर्फ और सिर्फ अपने mind के thoughts को control करना होगा। आपको daily meditation करनी होगी और जब भी आपको अपनी body temperature को control करना हो तो आपको अपने mind में सिर्फ body temperature के बारे में सोचना होगा इसके सिवा और कुछ भी नहीं। तभी आप अपने body temperature को control कर पाओगे।

2. Super strength.

ये ऐसी superpower है जिसकी मदद से आप की strength है वह कई गुना बढ़ जाएगी। यह तब सक्रिय होती है जब आप जिंदगी और मौत के बीच खड़े होते हो। एक बार एक 18 साल का लड़का जो किसी काम से बाहर जा रहा था उसे एक car ने hit किया और उसके ऊपर चढ़ गई। उस कार का वजन 1500 किलोग्राम था। हालांकि वह अभी भी जिंदा था। तभी एक दूसरे लड़के ने उसे देखा और भागते हुए उसके पास आया और उस कार को उठाकर side कर दिया इसे देखकर सब लोग बहुत हैरान हो गए। ऐसे बहुत सारे cases हो चुके हैं जिसमें लोगों ने ऐसे काम किए हैं जो एक आम इंसान के लिए impossible है यह power आप किसी भी time activate कर सकते हो पर इसके लिए आपको आपने mind को एहसास दिलाना होगा कि आप एक जिंदगी और मौत की situation में हो, यह सिर्फ meditation से ही हो सकता है।

3. Slowing down time.

मान लो कि अगर आप laptop या mobile में online पढ़ाई कर रहे हो तभी आपके घर में कोई gun लेकर आ जाए तो क्या होगा। आपको उसे देखकर डर तो लगेगा ही और साथ ही आप एक ऐसी feeling को experience करोगे जो आप नहीं जानते। वो है slow down time। एक बार एक scientist ने कई सारे police officer से एक सवाल किया कि जब आप किसी mission पर होते हो तब आपको कैसा feel होता है। तो उनमें से 90% ने इसी slow down time के बारे में कहा। जब उनके पास सोचने के लिए ज्यादा time नहीं होता तब उनका माइंड चीजों को उनके लिए slow कर देता है ताकि उन्हें सही decision लेने के लिए ज्यादा time मिल सके।

अगर आपको यह सारी power हासिल करनी है तो आपको meditation करना होगा, अपने mind को अपने control में लाना होगा और zero thought वाली state में जाना होगा। यह थी कुछ super-power जो आप भी अपने अंदर meditation के through ला सकते हो।

Don't change your goal by the negative thinking of others


   एक office था जिसमें एक मैडम काम करती थी और उनका स्वभाव ऐसा था कि हर चीज में उन्हें गलती नजर आती थी। उन्हें कितनी भी अच्छी चीज दिखाओ उन्हें उसमें गलती ही दिखती थी। वो सोचती थी कि मैं best हूं, मेरे जैसा कोई नहीं है, मेरे जैसा कोई नहीं सोचता वगैरा वगैरा।उनके साथ जो काम करते थे वो उनमें भी गलती निकालती रहती थी कि ये गलत है, यह सही नहीं है, कोई कितना भी अच्छा काम कर ले वो उसमें गलतियां ही निकालते रहती थी।                                                                              एक बार ऐसा हुआ कि मैडम अपने cabin में बैठी थी उसमें एक खिड़की थी जिसके सामने एक बड़ी सी building थी तो उसमें एक आंटी कपड़े सुखाने आई फिर madam ने अपने बाजू वाले से कहा कि देखो कि वो कितने गंदे कपड़े सुखा रही है, उसे कपड़े धोने आते भी हैं या नहीं। Building भी कितनी गंदी पड़ी है कितना कचरा हो रखा है और बाजू वाले ने ठीक है ठीक है कह कर बात टाल दी। पर अब ये रोज का हो गया वो कपड़े सुखाने आती और madam उसमें गलतियां निकालती रहती।         एक दिन जब आंटी कपड़े सुखाने आई तो वो अपना शो चला रही थी। उसी time उनके boss वहां पर आ गए और सोचने लगे कि ये तो काम ही नहीं कर रही है और फिर उसने उससे कहा कि क्या कर रही हो? उसने कहा कि यह देखो सर देखो वो क्या कर रही है कितने गंदे कपड़े सुखा रही है उसकी बिल्डिंग कितनी गंदी पड़ी है। ऐसे लोगों को मैं बता रही हूं सर कुछ करना नहीं आता। उसके बॉस ने कहा कि वो ऐसा क्यों कर रही है इसका जवाब मैं कल दूंगा। अगले दिन उसी time पर जब वो मैडम अपने cabin में आई और देखा कि आज तो building इतनी साफ है कपड़े भी कितने अच्छे लग रहे हैं। फिर वो दौड़ती हुई अपने बॉस के पास गई और कहने लगी कि आपने तो कहा था कि इस सवाल का जवाब मैं कल दूंगा लेकिन आज तो कोई problem ही नहीं है आज तो सब कुछ साफ है तो बोस ने कहा कि मैंने कुछ नहीं किया मैंने तो बस तुम्हारे cabin के कांच साफ करवा दिए हैं। इससे मैडम को बहुत शर्मिंदगी महसूस हुई।                                      ऐसा ही आपकी life में भी होता है। जब भी आप कुछ अलग करने जाते हो, अपने आसपास के लोगों से कुछ अलग करने जाते हो तो आपको ऐसे negative सोच वाले लोग मिलेंगे ही मिलेंगे। ऐसा कभी नहीं हो सकता कि आपको हर कोई कहे कि तू जो कर रहा है अच्छा कर रहा है ऐसा हो ही नहीं सकता। 100 में से 90 लोग आपको आगे बढ़ने से रोकेंगे। आप उनकी बातों पर ध्यान मत दो अगर कोई एक भी आपको यह कह रहा है कि तू जो कर रहा है करते रहे तो उसकी बातों पर ध्यान दो।                        ये कहानी मैडम जैसो के लिए नहीं है जो अपना नजरिया सुधारें। यह आंटी जैसे लोगों के लिए है जो दूसरों की घटिया सोच की वजह से अपना लक्ष्य छोड़ देते हैं इसलिए कभी भी दूसरों की सोच से अपना लक्ष्य मत बदलो और आगे बढ़ते रहो।

Motivational story of the famous company Bata.


  कहते हैं कोई भी काम छोटा नहीं है जिस भी field में आप काम कर रहे हो उस काम को उस field को आप बहुत बड़े level पर ले जा सकते हो अगर आप चाहो तो, आज की story में आपको दो बातें सीखने मिलेंगी। पहली ये कि जो भी आप काम कर रहे हो वो पूरा करके ही दम लो चाहे वह कितना भी मुश्किल हो। दूसरा ये कि कोई भी दुनिया में कुछ भी कर सकता है अगर वो चाहे तो। चलो शुरू करते हैं-

  एक परिवार था जिनका काम था मोची का जूते बनाते थे सदियों से उनके सारी generation जूते ही बनाती थी उसी परिवार के एक लड़के ने सोचा कि मुझे इसी काम को बहुत ही बड़े level पर ले जाना है और अरबों की कंपनी खड़ी करनी है। उसे बहुत ताने सुनने मिले लोग मजाक बनाते थे उसकी उससे कहते थे कि पागल हो गया है क्या? दिमाग खराब हो गया है। जब तेरे बाप दादा नहीं कर पाए तो तू क्या करेगा लेकिन इस लड़के ने तो ठान लिया था कि मुझे करना है तो करना है तो उसने शुरुआत कर दी अपनी बहन और भाई के साथ मिलकर एक छोटी सी दुकान खोली जहां वो लोग जूते बेचा करते थे फिर उन्होंने कुछ लोगों को भी रख लिया जूते बेचने के लिए। उन्होंने business तो शुरू कर दिया लेकिन जरूरी थोड़ी है कि वो चलेगा ही चलेगा। जो भी पैसे उनके पास थे वो सब उन्होंने लगा दिए पर धीरे-धीरे उनका सारा धंधा down हो गया और almost 1 साल के बाद सब कुछ खत्म हो गया। पैसे भी नहीं बचे और production भी बंद हो गया और लोगों ने फिर से ताने मारना शुरू कर दिए लेकिन इस लड़के ने तो सोचा रखा था कि नहीं जब मैंने एक बार काम शुरू कर ही दिया है तो फिर पीछे मुड़ने का तो सवाल ही पैदा नहीं होता मैं उस काम को करते रहूंगा चाहे कुछ भी हो जाए। पैसे नहीं है तो क्या हुआ जूते तो बना ही सकता हूं। मेरा काम है जूते बनाने का ना कि leather के जूते बनाने का।

  एक minus point था कि पैसे नहीं है पर उसने उसे plus point में बदल दिया और canvas के जूते बनाना शुरू कर दिया नई खोज कर दी और लोगों को भी यह जूते सस्ते में पढ़ते थे क्योंकि उसकी production cost कम थी और कंपनी फिर से धीरे-धीरे grow करने लगी। अब उसने सोचा कि मुझे कंपनी और grow करनी है इस तरह से काम करने से तो कुछ नहीं होगा फिर उसने बाकी companies में कैसे production होता है सब सीखा और उसे अपनी कंपनी में apply किया।   

  फिर कुछ time बाद उसके भाई की death हो गई और sister की शादी हो गई लेकिन फिर भी उन्होंने अकेले ही काम जारी रखा।

  अब world war I का time आया और उन्हें military के लिए जूते बनाने का एक बहुत बड़ा offer आया उन्हें इनके लिए 4 से 5 साल तक जूते supply करने थे और इससे उनकी कंपनी बहुत ज्यादा आगे बढ़ गई। Production बढ़ गया उन्होंने showroom बढ़ा दिया और सब कुछ settle हो गया लेकिन जैसे ही world war I end हुई तो पूरी दुनिया में financial crises हो गई जिससे उनकी company घाटे में जाने लगी। लोगों के पास पैसे नहीं थे जूते खरीदने के लिए तो वो कैसे खरीदते। फिर उन्होंने एक बहुत बड़ा decision लिया कि हम जूते का दाम 50% घटा देंगे और company employees ने भी अपने boss की condition समझ कर अपनी salary 40% कम कर दी और फिर जिस दौर में सारी companies घाटे में जा रही थी वही उस कंपनी ने बहुत ज्यादा profit कमाया।
  आज इस कपनी के 70 से ज्यादा देशों में 5300 से ज्यादा showroom है और 18 देशों में इसकी production होती है और उस company का नाम है Bata और उन भाई साहब का नाम है Tomas Bata। ये वही लड़का हैै जिसके बाप दादा वहीं बैठ कर जूते सिला करते थे।

  I hope आपको इस story से inspiration मिला होगा। आपको इससे क्या सीखना मिला comment में जरूर लिखें।


Amazing facts about our body.


हमारी body देखने में जितनी simple लगती है उतनी है नहीं। आज मैं आपको हमारी amazing body के बारे में कुछ amazing facts बताऊंगा, जो आप सबको हैरान कर देंगे चलो शुरू करते हैं।

Fact no.1-

Saliva (लार)।

मैं उसी लार की बात कर रहा हूं जो आपके मुंह में किसी भी tasty चीज को देखने के बाद आती है जब आप खाना चबाते हो तो यह उस खाने को smooth बनाती है और digestion के लिए तैयार करती है। Amazing बात ये है कि अगर हम किसी इंसान की lifetime की लार को इकट्ठा करें तो वह इतनी होगी कि दो swimming pool को भी भर देगी। है ना amazing बात।

Fact no.2-

Shedding of the skin-

आपकी body आपकी skin को regularly झाड़ती रहती है और आपको पता भी नहीं चलता। क्या आपको पता है कि हर second 600 skin cells आपकी body से झड़ जाती हैं।

Fact no.3-

The power of acid in our body-

हमारे digestive system में एक acid होता है जिसका नाम है hydrochloric acid। यह इतना powerful होता है कि यह कुछ भी गला सकता है कुछ भी का मतलब है कुछ भी। ये इतना powerful होता है कि ये एक blade को भी गला सकता है।

Fact no.4-

Megapixels of an eye-

Camera की quality MP (megapixels)  में मापी जाती है। आपका कैमरा 8mp 12mp 32mp 64mp का होगा पर क्या आपको पता है कि हमारी आंख कितने megapixels की है। ये 576 megapixels की होती है , इसलिए आप अपनी आंखों से इतना clear देख पाते हैं।

Fact no.5-

Length of DNA and Lungs-

हर किसी इंसान के अंदर DNA होता है जिसमें उसके character की सारी information store रहती है अगर आप अपने सारे DNA को खोल दो और एक line में convert कर दो तो वो 1600 करोड़ किलोमीटर तक हो जाएगा और अगर हम अपने lungs यानी फेफड़ों को फैला दें तो वो एक tennis court के जितना हो जाएगा।

तो यह थे कुछ amazing facts हमारी amazing सी  body के बारे में।

10 things you don't know about Einstein


ये नाम सुनते ही हमें दुनिया के Great Scientist Albert Einstein याद आते हैं जिन्हें दुनिया का सबसे बुद्धिमान व्यक्ति माना जाता है और इसी वजह से 14 मार्च उनके birthday को Genius day के रूप में मनाया जाता है आज हम Albert Einstein से related 10 ऐसी बातें जानेंगे जो ना ही आप को किताबों में मिलेगी और ना ही आपने कहीं सुनी होगी।

Fact no.8-

एक बार Albert Einstein की wife से पूछा गया था कि क्या आप अपने husband की theory को समझते हो तो उनका जवाब था नहीं और साथ में उन्होंने ये भी कहा था कि मैं अपने husband को समझती हूं और इन पर भरोसा किया जा सकता है।

Fact no.7-

जब Einstein पैदा हुए तब उनका सिर बाकी बच्चों के मुकाबले बहुत ज्यादा बढ़ा था डॉक्टर ने कह दिया था कि यह मानसिक रूप से विकलांग हैं। Einstein ने 7 साल की उम्र से पहले पढ़ना शुरू ने किया था और Einstein 4 साल की उम्र तक कुछ भी नहीं बोल पाते थे।

Fact no.6-

अगर मैं आपसे पूछूं आपके favourite scientist कौन है तो शायद आप में से कई लोगों के favourite scientist Albert Einstein होंगे और अगर मैं आपसे पूछूं कि Albert Einstein के favourite scientist कौन थे तो वो थे telescope के inventor Galileo Galilie.

Fact no.5-

आप जानते ही होंगे कि Albert Einstein को बचपन में मंदबुद्धि वाला लड़का कहा जाता था और उनकी teacher ने तो यह तक कह दिया था कि यह लड़का जिंदगी में कुछ नहीं कर सकता और वही लड़का आगे चलकर दुनिया का एक महान scientist बन गया।

Fact no.4-

जैसा कि मैंने आपको बताया कि Einstein को मंदबुद्धि कहा जाता था तो एक बार Einstein के math's के professor ने Einstein को lazy dog कह दिया था। Einstein पढ़ाई में ज्यादा अच्छे नहीं थे लेकिन इनका favourite subject math's ही था।

Fact no.3-

1952 में Einstein को Israel की तरफ से राष्ट्रपति बनने का offer आया लेकिन उन्होंने यह कहकर मना कर दिया कि वह politics के लिए नहीं science के लिए बने हैं।

Fact no.2-

Einstein पूरा focus के साथ काम करने के लिए पूरी नींद लेते थे। Einstein पूरे 10 घंटे सोते थे ताकि वो पूरा मन लगाकर काम कर सकें।

Fact no.1-

  Einstein के पास बहुत सारे teenager आया करते थे उनकी success का राज जानने के लिए। तो एक बार एक teenager आया और उसने उनसे सवाल किया कि आप दुनिया के इतने महान scientist हैं और लोग आपकी तारीफ करते हुए थकते नहीं हैं तो इस महानता का secret क्या है?
तो Einstein ने सिर्फ एक word में अपना answer दिया और वो word था -


Interesting facts about our brain.


हमारा दिमाग दुनिया की सबसे complex चीजों में से एक है। हर दिन हमारे दिमाग में 7000 thought आते हैं।यह brain जितना आप सोचते हो उससे कहीं ज्यादा शक्तिशाली और जटिल है। आज मैं आपको human brain के बारे में कुछ मजेदार facts बताऊंगा।  चलो शुरू करते हैं।

Fact no. 1-

Your brain generates enough electricity to power the lightbulb.

जब भी आप कुछ देखते हैं, हंसते है, खेलते है या चलते हैं, तो  आपके neurons के अंदर message traffer होने लगते है। जब आप सोते हैं और जब आप जागते हैं तब भी। आपका दिमाग इतने message transfer करता है जिनकी मात्रा phone calling, messages से भी ज्यादा होती है और यह इतनी बिजली produce करते है कि एक light bulb भी जलाया जा सकता है।

Fact no. 2-

Neurons in our brain-

हमारे दिमाग में लगभग 10000 करोड़ से भी ज्यादा neurons connections हैं। यह neurons हमेशा message transfer करते रहते हैं। जब भी आप कोई नई चीज देखते हो तो इनके बीच connection बनते रहते हैं 10000 करोड़ neurons से आप अंदाजा लगा सकते हैं कि हमारा दिमाग कितना powerful है।

Fact no. 3-


आपके brain का वजन लगभग 1.5 kg है पर आपका brain आपकी body का 20% oxygen और खून को use करता है अगर आपकी body में से सिर्फ 5-10 मिनट के लिए  oxygen supply रोक दी जाए तो आपका brain permanent damage हो सकता है।

Fact no. 4-

Pineal gland(तीसरी आंख)-

जब तीसरी आंख की बात आती है तो बहुत लोग मानते हैं कि बस यह एक कल्पना है myth है लेकिन ये third eye  scientifically proved है अगर मैं science की भाषा में बोलूं तो इसे pineal gland कहा जाता है जिसका size 5-8 mm होता है जो हमारे brain के दोनों hemisphere के बीच में exist करता है और इसके बारे में आप बहुत सारे articles Google पर पढ़ सकते हैं।

तो ये थीं कुछ मजेदार सी बातें हमारे दिमाग के बारे में।

Most amazing and interesting facts about Earth

 1. Age of Earth, How it is calculated-
     धरती की उम्र, इसे कैसे मापा गया-

 (i) The age of earth is 450 crore years.
      पृथ्वी 450 करोड़ साल पुरानी है। 

(ii) It was calculated by a technique named               Radiometric dating.  
   इसकी गणना Radiometric Dating technique  से       की गई थी।

2. Temperature of Earth-

    धरती का तापमान-

 The temperature of the earth is 16 degrees Celsius but on 10 July 1930 Death Valley United States has recorded the highest temperature on Earth which is 56°C and the lowest temperature of the Earth which is -89.2° Celsius recorded on 21 july 1983 in Vostok Station, Russia.

पृथ्वी का तापमान 16 डिग्री सेल्सियस है, लेकिन 10 जुलाई 1930 को Death Valley, United States में पृथ्वी पर सबसे अधिक तापमान दर्ज किया है, जो कि 56 ° C है और पृथ्वी का सबसे कम तापमान जो -89.2° C  है, जो 21 जुलाई 1983 को Vostok Station, Russia में दर्ज किया गया था।

3. Weight of Earth-

   धरती का वजन-

Do you know how much the Earth weighs?

The Earth weight is : 5974,000,000,000,000,000,000,000kg.

क्या आप जानते हैं कि पृथ्वी का वजन कितना है? पृथ्वी का वजन है:

5974,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg.

4. Speed of Earth-

   धरती की गति-

Do you know what is the speed of the Earth when he revolves around the sun ? 

The earth speed is 30 km/s.

क्या आप जानते हैं कि जब पृथ्वी सूरज का चक्कर  की गति क्या है? 

 पृथ्वी की गति 30km/s है।

So, these are some interesting and amazing facts about Earth.

One of the best basketball player Michael Jordan.

Success story of Michael Jordan:

People probably think Michael Jordan learned how to dribble and shoot like a pro when he learned to walk. Ok, maybe not that young but you know what we mean. As talented as Michael may have been growing up, he wasn’t thought of as the best. Coaches actually had trouble looking past his height which didn’t reach the minimum, they usually required. That clearly didn’t stop him from playing basketball; it pushed him to work even harder. Fast-forward to present day and see what Michael has accomplished. A moment of failure gives him another reason to succeed. Here is a story about one of the first times Michael prevailed from failure: When watching Michael Jordan playing, people don’t only see a man who gives a new definition to team sports achievement these days, but also a formidable opponent to anyone who see each game as a competition of determination. Now recognized as a surprising winning record scorer, it was failure which spurred Michael to strive for the best. “I know that fear is an obstacle for some people, but for me it is just an illusion….. Failure always makes me try harder on the next opportunity. Michael got his competitive spirit from a natural cause. As one of five brothers in a family with discipline and spirit of progress, he was brought up with high standard and great expectation. Once when he deliberately didn’t go to school, Michael’s mother took him to her office and made him sit in the car doing his school lessons watched by his mother from her office window. His family felt that Michael was not only good at school but also in extracurricular activities. The little league team became aware that he had talent for team sports. But he loved basketball very much, his spirit and desire to be able to play in competition events was driven even more by the rivalry with his brother Larry. Everyday both competed in one on one intense match in the back yard, and usually Larry dominated his younger brother. In fact, Larry was considered a true athlete of the family by his brother and the high school coach. They speculated Michael would be known as “Larry’s brother” when Larry grew taller than 170 cm. Michael didn’t like to be defeated, either by his brothers or others. Friends and families recalled how he kept challenging them to play Horse game until he won. He admitted he was indebted to his elder brother: “When you see me play, you see Larry play”. The high school coach come to know Michael through Larry and invited Michael to the basketball summer camp prior to his enrollment to high school. He, together with a close friend of him, were asked to try to qualify for the university team group. Everyone in the camp admired Michael’s speed and skill, but the coach was discouraged by the possibility that Michael would not reach the minimum height required. The coach thought it might be good for Michael to play in the university junior team group for a year to get more training time. So when the list of names of the university team was announced, Michael’s mates-all of them were 198 cm in height-were in the list, but Michael was not. It was the very moment so deeply imprinted on Michael’s life. He stared at the alphabetically arranged list of names, read and reread the J list several times, feeling sure his coach had mistakenly left his name out. Later he admitted that when he got home that day, so disappointed and ashamed, he wept. Fortunately his mother came to his side and gave him some important advices. “She said that the best thing I could do is to prove to the coach that he had made a mistake”, recalled Michael. “And, leaving my disappointment behind, I started to improve my performance”. Michael reluctantly rejoined the junior university team squadron. But while he was recognized as a dedicated player, he changed his training intensity. Michael’s sport instructor, Ruby Sutton, was the first to notice that change: “Usually I arrive at school between 07.00 am and 07.30 am. Michael was there before me. Each time I came in and opened the door, I heard the sound of ball bouncing, in autumn, in winter, in summer. Almost every morning I had to ask him to leave the court”. Although his height was under 183 cm, Michael quickly made himself a favourite player in the university junior team. His speed and skill were no match for his team mates. Soon, the university team players started to come earlier to the games just to watch how Michael led JV (university junior team), scoring 25 points and sometimes up to 40 points in one game. JV developed to a true team through Michael demanding from his team mates the same intensity he did to himself, and persuading the coach to urge the team to work harder under his criticisms. At the end of the day, the coach-assistant, Fred Lynch said that Michael was “A resentful loser….that keeps insisting everyone to play as hard as he does”. At the beginning of the first year, Michael’s height increased by 10 cm. his large hands gave him the advantage of catching and holding ball better and now he was able to do slam dunks. His coach was delighted with Michael’s height and now they just could no longer ignore his talent. When eventually he was admitted into the university team, he brought something that would inspire every coach, team mates and fans during his career: “You can achieve incomparable level of skill through incomparable spirit and commitment”. Behind his competence and spirit, lies the secret: to always appreciate failure and take advantage of it for some goodness. Through the following years Michael used to motivate himself by reflecting on his failure: “Whenever I achieve some success but feel so tired, I often think to give up and leave everything. But then I close my eyes and see again that list that didn’t include my name. usually by doing that my spirit is revived”. He is a man s the most famous player acknowledged in the history of basket ball game-winning NBA Championship 6 times, MPV trophy 5 times, a dozen of All-Star games, NCAA titles and two Olympic gold medals. And as he is, he is convinced that he achieved his success through his willingness to fail. “who become  I am ready to accept failure. Everyone may fail. But I don’t want to say that I don’t try.

📜Conclusion:-Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.  

Success story of the famous actor and martial artist "Bruce Lee".

               Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee attracted respect and appreciation from all over. His dynamic on screen presence and audience appreciation which transcended all cultural boundaries led to the creation of one of the most memorable movie legends of the 20th century. We all know Bruce Lee as a major action star and one of the greatest martial artists in the world, but what we do not know was that was a great philosopher too and it is his philosophy on life that helped him battle tremendous odds to achieve his dream. While most people only begin to figure out life in their thirties, Bruce Lee accomplished his dream of being a great martial artist and a movie star in his early thirties just before his untimely death. Seek inspiration from one of the greatest movie legends of our generation. Lee Jun-fan commonly known as Bruce Lee , was a Hong Kong American actor, director, martial artist, martial arts instructor and philosopher. He was the founder of Jeet Kune Do, a hybrid martial arts philosophy drawing from different combat disciplines that is often credited with paving the way for modern mixed martial arts (MMA). Lee is considered by commentators, critics, media, and other martial artists to be the most influential martial artist of all time and a pop culture icon of the 20th century, who bridged the gap between East and West. He is credited with helping to change the way Asians were presented in American films.

The beginning:

Bruce Lee was born in San Franscisco to Chinese Parents who were theatre artists. After his birth the family moved back to Hong Kong where he grew up. He started taking martial arts seriously when he was beaten up by a local gang at the age of 13. He quickly became adept at martial arts and became one of the best street fighters in Hong Kong. On a downside, this got attention from the police as well. When Bruce Lee beat up one of the boys who was the son of a feared Chinese Mafia Member, they started fearing for his life and decided it was best for him to get away from Hong Kong and send him back to San Francisco. When Bruce Lee reached San Francisco, for a while he did odd jobs, but then later enrolled in the University of Washington in Seattle to study philosophy. He also started holding martial arts classes. It is here he would meet Linda Emery, one of his students who would later become his wife. In a time when there was considerable opposition to inter racial relationships, Bruce Lee and Linda started a relationship and got married three years later. It was clear that Bruce Lee was never concerned about race. In fact racism was not just practised by the majority against the minority but also the other way round. At the time most Chinese Martial arts schools refused to admit non Chinese students as they believed only Chinese students deserved to learn their martial arts secrets. Many of the Chinese Martial Artists at the time disliked Bruce Lee because they thought he was violating their code. So a Martial Artist named Jack Man Wong challenged him. The conditions of the fight were that if Bruce Lee lost, he would close his schools or stop teaching non Chinese people. If Jack lost, he would quit teaching. Within one minute Bruce defeated Jack and thus continued to impart his knowledge to everyone who wished to learn.

Bruce Lee’s Goal to Become an Action Movie Star:

Bruce Lee had two major career goals. The first one was to become one of the greatest martial artist in the world. He accomplished this goal very early on in life. By the time he was in his early twenties his martial arts skills had already become legendary. He had not only beaten the greatest Martial Arts masters but also won every real world street fight he took part in. He exhibited his skills in many martial arts competitions where he demonstrated his incredible talent, A video of him demonstrating his skills at one of the competitions would help him land his first acting gig. Bruce Lee’s second major goal was to become a major action movie star. Accomplishing this was much more difficult. His video at the competed led to him being invited for the audition of a TV series called the Green Hornet. The show was very successful and Lee’s skills were so phenomenal that his character actually become more popular than the lead character of Green Hornet. When the show was aired in Hong Kong, the popularity of Bruce Lee’s character lead to the show being renamed “the Kato Show.”

Failure and Frustration:

Even after the success of the Green Hornet, things would not come easy for Bruce. No matter where he tried to be a leading actor whether for a show or for a martial arts movie, they would turn him down because he was not white. This happened continuously. During this period he made many guest appearances in many television shows and taught martial arts to some of the leading movie stars of the time . They all were awed by his talent and believed he could be a great star but some how things never worked out for him. In 1969, the television show, The Green Hornet, aired its final episode and Bruce was trying to find another television role. Bruce Lee pitched a Kung Fu series to Warner Brothers. Bruce worked very hard on the project, giving the screen writers and directors his input and believed that the new series would eventually have him as the lead actor. But then Warner Brothers announced that they had selected Caucasian actor, David Carradine who did not even have much martial arts background, for the role instead of Bruce Lee. It’s been speculated that Bruce was never considered for the main role because viewers might not be ready for Bruce’s “Oriental” looks. Bruce felt cheated mentioned to his friend that if he hadn’t been Chinese, it would be him doing the Kung Fu Series because he was a recognized actor and probably the best martial artist among any of his contemporaries who were also actors. It was a clear case of Hollywood’s Xenophobia. Angry after having been burnt by Warner Brothers and frustrated at the lack of opportunities in Hollywood for an Asian American actor, Bruce sat down one night and wrote a letter to himself. “By 1980, I will be the best known oriental movie star in the United States and will have secured $10 million dollars… And in return, I will give the very best acting I could possibly give every single time I am in front of the camera and I will live in peace and harmony.” Around this time when things couldn’t get any worse Bruce Lee injured his back and was bed ridden for 6 months. Doctors told Bruce he could never kick again . Bruce Lee of course refused to believe them and within 6 months had mostly recovered from his injury. Still acting opportunities eluded him. Frustrated, he decided to go to Hong Kong with his family for a short break.

The Struggle Finally Ends: Bruce Lee Becomes a Star

To his surprise, in Hong Kong he was recognized on the street by most people as the star of the Green Hornet which had been renamed The Kato Show due to Bruce’s immense popularity. Knowing that Bruce wanted to enter movies, one of the Hong Kong’s leading producers Raymond Chow approached Bruce and asked him whether he wanted to star in a motion picture he was making in Hong Kong, called the Big Boss. Bruce Lee accepted. The Big Boss was a massive success and turned Bruce Lee into an overnight major movie star in Hong Kong. He followed it up with Fist of Fury which was an even bigger hit and Way of the Dragon co starring Chuck Norris which elevated Bruce Lee to an iconic status in East Asia. Very soon what followed was what Bruce had desperately been trying for so many years but always eluded him. Warner Brothers came back to him and proposed making a movie that would be released in America as well. It was titled Enter the Dragon. This movie would make Bruce an International Star and one of the greatest movie legends of the 20th century. Unfortunately, just days before the release, Bruce Lee passed away of Cerebral Edema. You might say, what’s the point of all that success if he was going to die and not enjoy his success. Well my argument is that we all will die someday anyway. Bruce Lee was surely unlucky that he did not get to enjoy success and enjoy his life with his family for as long as he wanted, but the kind of impact he was able to lead in his short life and inspire millions around the world, who still look up to him as their hero is a feat that is rarely matched by any human. At the end of the day the impact you leave on others matters more than how long you live.

Conclusion: "Always keep learning and trying to get better."

The success story of the fastest runner "Usain Bolt"

                                     Usain Bolt

Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt was dubbed "the fastest man alive" after winning three gold medals at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China, and becoming the first man in Olympic history to win both the 100- and 200-meter races in record times. Bolt also won three Olympic gold medals at the 2012 Summer Olympic Games in London, along the way notching an Olympic-record time of 9.63 seconds in the 100 meters, making him the first man in history to set three world records in Olympic competition. He made history again at the 2016 Summer Games in Rio with gold medals in the 100- and 200-meter races and 4x100-meter relay; the wins gave him a "triple-triple" — three golds over three consecutive Olympics — though he later was stripped of one of the relay golds because of a teammate's doping violation.

At the Berlin 2009 World Championships, Bolt set a world record time of 9.58 seconds for the 100m race, notching a top speed of 27.8 miles per hour (44.72 kilometers per hour) between meters 60 and 80, with an average speed of 23.5 mph.

Childhood and Early Successes:

Bolt was born on August 21, 1986, in Jamaica. Both a standout cricket player and a sprinter early on, Bolt's natural speed was noticed by coaches at school, and he began to focus solely on sprinting under the tutelage of Pablo McNeil, a former Olympic sprint athlete. (Glen Mills would later serve as Bolt's coach and mentor.) As early as age 14, Bolt was wowing fans with his lightning speed, and he won his first high school championship medal in 2001, taking the silver in the 200-meter race. At the age of 15, Bolt took his first shot at success on the world stage at the 2002 World Junior Championships in Kingston, Jamaica, where he won the 200-meter dash, making him the youngest world-junior gold medalist ever. Bolt's feats impressed the sports world, and he received the International Association of Athletics Foundation’s Rising Star Award that year, boosting the recognition of a young man soon to be known as "Lightning Bolt."

Professional Track and Field:

Despite a nagging hamstring injury, Bolt was chosen for the Jamaican Olympic squad for the 2004 Athens Olympics. He was eliminated in the first round of the 200 meters, though, again hampered by injury. Bolt reached the world Top 5 rankings in 2005 and 2006. Unfortunately, injuries continued to plague the 6'5" sprinter, preventing him from completing a full professional season. In 2007, Bolt broke the national 200-meter record held for over 30 years by Donald Quarrie, and earned two silver medals at the World Championships in Osaka, Japan. These medals boosted Bolt's desire to run, and he took a more serious stance toward his career.

Olympic Career:

At the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics, Bolt ran the 100-meter and 200-meter events. In the 100-meter final leading up to the Games, he broke the world record, winning in 9.69 seconds. Not only was the record set without a favorable wind, but he also visibly slowed down to celebrate before he finished (and his shoelace was untied), an act that aroused much controversy later on. He went on to win three gold medals and break three world records in Beijing. At the 2012 Summer Olympic Games, held in London, Bolt won his fourth Olympic gold medal in the men's 100-meter race, beating rival Yohan Blake, who won silver in the event. Bolt ran the race in 9.63 seconds, a new Olympic record. The win marked Bolt's second consecutive gold medal in the 100. He went on to compete in the men's 200, claiming his second consecutive gold medal in that race as well. He became the first man to win both the 100 and 200 in consecutive Olympic Games, as well as the first man to ever win back-to-back gold medals in double sprints. Bolt's accomplishments made him the first man in history to set three world records in a single Olympic Games competition. Bolt returned to Olympic glory at the 2016 Summer Olympic Games when he won gold in the 100-meter race, making him the the first athlete to win three successive titles in the event. He finished the race in 9.81 seconds with American runner and rival Justin Gatlin, who took silver, 0.08 seconds behind him. “This is why I came here, to the Olympics, to prove to the world that I’m the best — again,” he told reporters at a news conference. “It always feels good to go out on top, you know what I mean?” He continued his Olympic winning streak, taking gold in the 200 meters in 19.78 seconds. "What else can I do to prove I am the greatest?" Bolt said in an interview with BBC Sport. ”I'm trying to be one of the greatest, to be among [Muhammad] Ali and Pelé. I have made the sport exciting, I have made people want to see the sport. I have put the sport on a different level." The "fastest man alive" remained undefeated in what he said would be the last race of his Olympic career, the 4x100-meter relay, which he ran with teammates Blake, Asafa Powell and Nickel Ashmeade. Anchoring the race, Bolt led the Jamaican team to gold, crossing the finish line in 37.27 seconds. It was the third consecutive gold medal win for Bolt in Rio. In an interview with CBS News, Bolt detailed his pride over his 2012 performance: "It's what I came here to do. I'm now a legend. I'm also the greatest athlete to live. I've got nothing left to prove."

Records and Awards:

Bolt is an 11-time world champion. He holds the world records in races for 100 meters, at 9.58 seconds, and 200 meters, at 19.19 seconds, both of which he set at the 2009 Berlin World Athletics Championships. Over the course of his career, Bolt has received numerous awards, including the IAAF World Athlete of the Year (twice), Track & Field Athlete of the Year and Laureus Sportsman of the Year.

Injury and Retirement:

In 2017, Bolt faced challenges on the track at the World Athletics Championships. He finished third in the men's 100 meters, taking home the bronze medal behind Christian Coleman, who won silver, and Gatlin, who took home the gold. It was the first time that Bolt had been beaten at the World Athletics Championships since 2007. His struggles didn't end there: In the 4x100-meter relay, which many believed would be Bolt's final race, he collapsed from a hamstring injury and had to cross the finish line with the help of his teammates. In August 2017, following the World Athletics Championships, Bolt announced his retirement from track and field. “For me I don’t think one championship is going to change what I’ve done,” he said at a press conference. “I personally won’t be one of those persons to come back."

The story of the Larry Page "Founder of Google"

The story of the Larry Page "Founder of Google"

Biography of Larry Page

Larry Page (March 26, 1973) businessman and founder of Google. His baptismal name is Lawrence Edward Page. He was born in East Lansing, Michigan, United States. Page created by the hand of Sergei Brin the most famous search engine in the world today, Google. Her parents, Gloria Page and Carl V. Page, served as university teachers, her mother was a professor of programming at the University of Michigan and her father a professor of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the University of North Carolina and University of Michigan.
His father made an important contribution as a pioneer and authority in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Now, Page from a child attended in Lansing to a school of the Montessori method. His passion for computers and computer science was inherited from his parents, and at the age of twelve, he already created various technological inventions. He read several books about Nikola Tesla, his idol of youth. Following the advice of his parents, he studied at East Lansing High School. Upon graduating with honors, he entered Michigan State University to study Computer Engineering.
Subsequently, he did a Ph.D. in Computer Science at Stanford University. Where he met Brin, who was pursuing postgraduate studies thanks to a grant from the National Science Foundation. Page was awarded by the Instituto de Empresa with an Honorary Master’s Degree in Business Administration and also received the Alumni Society Recent Engineering Graduate Award from the University of Michigan.


While in the winter of 1998, Brin began to develop an idea to create a search engine for the internet, the idea was developed with the help of Larry Page. His great motivation was the inefficiency and the multiple errors of the search engines existing at that time. It is said that Page was a great help to Brin because his intelligence and also his great ability for business led to the creation of what is now Google. In short, Page was responsible for the high speed of Google. By 1995 Brin and Page were very good friends and shared their love of computers and both were very motivated to develop their internet search engine. His question was how to download the entire web. His intention was, then, to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.
They held several meetings with brilliant people in this field, and they met Andy Bechtolsheim, an investor from Sun Microsystems. They decided to present their idea, they also made a quick demonstration and they got that, without thinking twice, Bechtolsheim extended a check worth 100,000 dollars to start the project. Although with this amount achieved only the beginning of the project, the young people full of enthusiasm began to get other economic support and various sources of income.
As a result, Brin and Page managed to get two of the most relevant US venture capital firms, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and Sequoia Capital, to agree to finance their idea. They then collected 25 million dollars. The project was still ongoing. At first, they thought of the word googol to baptize their search engine, a term invented by the mathematician Edward Kasner to name the number 1 followed by 100 zeros. Then they changed their name to Google. We must mention that Yahoo! He played an essential role in driving Google.
Yahoo! collaborated encouraging the creation of its own search engine, the pair of colleagues began to offer in their popular portal the possibility of searching through that engine. For the year 2003, Google swept daily searches, had about 112 million, compared to Yahoo! which only supported approximately 42 million. Page was shown as a leader since he generated important results and demonstrated his ambitious ideas. Therefore, Page was CEO of Google until 2001. The reason is that Page began to be less involved in the day-to-day management of the company.
Something really innovative was that Google allowed cyberusarios to easily locate images, newsgroups and searches using the Open Directory thematic directory tool, an international volunteer project that catalogs web pages by hand. After a few years, thanks to the popularity of Google, colleagues received a Webby, a prize. For 2011, Larry decided to regain the title of CEO. He reorganized the company’s top management and launched Google+, Chromebook, Google Glass, and other services. Page continued to lead Google until 2015, until he became the CEO of the parent company, Alphabet.

Conclusion: “Always work hard on something uncomfortably exciting.” 

Life story of the great Indian monk "Swami Vivekananda"

Life story of the great Indian monk "Swami Vivekananda"

         Swami Vivekanand

Swami Vivekananda was an Indian Hindu monk. He was a chief disciple of the 19th-century Indian mystic Ramakrishna. He was a key figure in the introduction of the Indian philosophies of Vedanta and Yoga to the Western world, and is credited with raising interfaith awareness, bringing Hinduism to the status of a major world religion during the late 19th century. He was a major force in the revival of Hinduism in India, and contributed to the concept of Indian nationalism as a tool to fight against the British empire in colonial India. Vivekananda founded the Ramakrishna Math and the Ramakrishna Mission. He is perhaps best known for his speech which began with the words - "Sisters and brothers of America ...," in which he introduced Hinduism at the Parliament of the World's Religions in Chicago in 1893.

His childhood-

Swami Vivekananda, born Narendra NathDatta born in 1863, was a Hindu monk known for his role in the spiritual enlightenment of the Indian masses. As an influential spiritual leader, he is also credited for bringing the philosophies of Vedanta and Yoga to the western world. As a child Narendra excelled in music, gymnastic and studies. By the time he had graduated from the Scottish Church College (Calcutta University), in West Benegal, he had acquired a vast knowledge of western philosophy and history. Never afraid to speak his mind, Narendra was a natural leader. He had a passion for education and rational discourse, and loved to help people. As a student of philosophy, questions of God became forefront in his mind. Was there a God? If so, what was He like? What relationship is there between man and God? These questions had lingered from an early age, when he first began questioning the validity of superstitious customs and discrimination based on class and religion. Doubts regarding the existence of God lead him to BrahmoSamaj, an important religious movement of the time. It was during this time when Narendra came in contact with the priest Sri Ramakrishna Pramahans of Dakshineswar. Questioning the priest on whether he had seen God, the great devotee replied "Yes, I have seen God, just as I see you here, only in a more clear sense." Astounded by the words of the priest, and the honesty in his voice, Narendra set out to test the priest’s authenticity. One day Narendra hid a single rupee under his pillow. When Sri Ramakrishna entered the room and stretched himself on the cot, he immediately jumped up as if bitten by a scorpion. When he shook the mattress, the rupee coin fell out and the culprit was discovered. However the reaction was enough for Narendra to accept Sri Ramakrishna as his guru.


Five years of training took place on the topic of philosophy and non-dualism.He practiced that all living beings were an embodiment of the divine self. As a result of this facet, he established that service to God could be rendered by service to mankind. The unfortunate death of Sri Ramakrishna in 1886 appointed Narendra as his successor, and he set upon a journey across India to share his knowledge. During his travels he acquired the name Swami Vivekananda. He stayed at king's palaces, as well as at the huts of the poor, and observed the imbalance of society in the name of caste. Upon reaching the south most point of the Indian Subcontinent on December 24, 1892, he meditated on a lone rock for three days. This rock is still a popular memorial and a major tourist destination. In 1893, Vivekananda went to America and was invited to attend the Conference of World Religions in Chicago. A man of eloquent rhetoric, he quickly began to win the hearts of his American audience. He spoke with spontaneous ease on history, sociology, philosophy and religion with a new cultural perspective. He conducted hundreds of public and private lectures and classes across the United States, England and Europe, distributing of the tenets of Hindu philosophy. For his noble service, in India Vivekananda is regarded as a patriotic saint and his birthday is celebrated as the National Youth Day.

Vivekananda propagated that the essence of Hinduism was best expressed in Adi Shankara's Advaita Vedanta philosophy. Nevertheless, following Ramakrishna, and in contrast to Advaita Vedanta, Vivekananda believed that the Absolute is both immanent and transcendent.[note 6] According to Anil Sooklal, Vivekananda's neo-Advaita "reconciles Dvaita or dualism and Advaita or non-dualism". Vivekananda summarised the Vedanta as follows, giving it a modern and Universalistic interpretation: Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this Divinity within by controlling nature, external and internal. Do this either by work, or worship, or mental discipline, or philosophy—by one, or more, or all of these—and be free. This is the whole of religion. Doctrines, or dogmas, or rituals, or books, or temples, or forms, are but secondary details. Nationalism was a prominent theme in Vivekananda's thought. He believed that a country's future depends on its people, and his teachings focused on human development.[169] He wanted "to set in motion a machinery which will bring noblest ideas to the doorstep of even the poorest and the meanest". Vivekananda linked morality with control of the mind, seeing truth, purity and unselfishness as traits which strengthened it. He advised his followers to be holy, unselfish and to have shraddhā (faith). Vivekananda supported brahmacharya, believing it the source of his physical and mental stamina and eloquence. He emphasised that success was an outcome of focused thought and action; in his lectures on Raja Yoga he said, "Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life – think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success, that is the way great spiritual giants are produced".

📜Conclusion:-Never Forever, Give Up..!!!  

The story of the great scientist "Nikola Tesla"

The story of the great scientist "Nikola Tesla"

               Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla was a scientist whose inventions include the Tesla coil, alternating-current (AC) electricity, and the discovery of the rotating magnetic field. Nikola Tesla was an engineer and scientist known for designing the alternating-current (AC) electric system, which is the predominant electrical system used across the world today. He also created the "Tesla coil," which is still used in radio technology.  Born in modern-day Croatia, Tesla came to the United States in 1884 and briefly worked with Thomas Edison before the two parted ways. He sold several patent rights, including those to his AC machinery, to George Westinghouse.

Early life-

Tesla was born in Smiljan, Croatia, on July 10, 1856. Tesla was one of five children, including siblings Dane, Angelina, Milka and Marica. Tesla's interest in electrical invention was spurred by his mother, Djuka Mandic, who invented small household appliances in her spare time while her son was growing up. Tesla's father, Milutin Tesla, was a Serbian orthodox priest and a writer, and he pushed for his son to join the priesthood. But Nikola's interests lay squarely in the sciences 

After studying at the Realschule, Karlstadt (later renamed the Johann-Rudolph-Glauber Realschule Karlstadt) in Germany; the Polytechnic Institute in Graz, Austria; and the University of Prague during the 1870s, Tesla moved to Budapest, where for a time he worked at the Central Telephone Exchange. It was while in Budapest that the idea for the induction motor first came to Tesla, but after several years of trying to gain interest in his invention, at age 28 Tesla decided to leave Europe for America.

In 1885, Tesla received funding for the Tesla Electric Light Company and was tasked by his investors to develop improved arc lighting. After successfully doing so, however, Tesla was forced out of the venture and for a time had to work as a manual laborer in order to survive. His luck would change two years later when he received funding for his new Tesla Electric Company.

Tesla's inventions-

Throughout his career, Tesla discovered, designed and developed ideas for a number of important inventions — most of which were officially patented by other inventors — including dynamos (electrical generators similar to batteries) and the induction motor.  He was also a pioneer in the discovery of radar technology, X-ray technology, remote control and the rotating magnetic field — the basis of most AC machinery. Tesla is most well-known for his contributions in AC electricity and for the Tesla coil.

Tesla designed the alternating-current (AC) electrical system, which would quickly become the preeminent power system of the 20th century and has remained the worldwide standard ever since. In 1887, Tesla found funding for his new Tesla Electric Company, and by the end of the year, he had successfully filed several patents for AC-based inventions. Tesla's AC system soon caught the attention of American engineer and businessman George Westinghouse, who was seeking a solution to supplying the nation with long-distance power. Convinced that Tesla's inventions would help him achieve this, in 1888 he purchased his patents for $60,000 in cash and stock in the Westinghouse Corporation. As interest in an AC system grew, Tesla and Westinghouse were put in direct competition with Thomas Edison, who was intent on selling his direct-current (DC) system to the nation. A negative press campaign was soon waged by Edison, in an attempt to undermine interest in AC power.  Unfortunately for Edison, the Westinghouse Corporation was chosen to supply the lighting at the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, and Tesla conducted demonstrations of his AC system there.

In 1895, Tesla designed what was among the first AC hydroelectric power plants in the United States, at Niagara Falls.  The following year, it was used to power the city of Buffalo, New York — a feat that was highly publicized throughout the world and helped further AC electricity’s path to becoming the world’s power system.

In the late 19th century, Tesla patented the Tesla coil, which laid the foundation for wireless technologies and is still used in radio technology today. The heart of an electrical circuit, the Tesla coil is an inductor used in many early radio transmission antennas.  The coil works with a capacitor to resonate current and voltage from a power source across the circuit. Tesla himself used his coil to study fluorescence, x-rays, radio, wireless power and electromagnetism in the earth and its atmosphere. 

How tesla died-

Poor and reclusive, Tesla died of coronary thrombosis on January 7, 1943, at the age of 86 in New York City, where he had lived for nearly 60 years.  However, the legacy of the work Tesla left behind him lives on to this day. In 1994, a street sign identifying "Nikola Tesla Corner" was installed near the site of his former New York City laboratory, at the intersection of 40th Street and 6th Avenue.

📜Conclusion:-Never Forever, Give Up..!!!  

Founder of Walmart "Sam walton"

Founder of Walmart "Sam walton"

                Sam Walton

Walmart as we know it today evolved from Sam Walton’s goals for great value and great customer service. “Mr. Sam,” as he was known, believed in leadership through service. This belief that true leadership depends on willing service was the principle on which Walmart was built, and drove the decisions the company has made for the past 50 years. So much of Walmart’s history is tied to the story of Sam Walton himself, and so much of our future will be rooted in Mr. Sam’s principles.


Sam Walton was born in 1918 in Kingfisher, Oklahoma. In 1942, at the age of 24, he joined the military. He married Helen Robson in 1943. When his military service ended in 1945, Sam and Helen moved to Iowa and then to Newport, Arkansas. During this time, Sam gained early retail experience, eventually operating his own variety store. In 1950, the Waltons left Newport for Bentonville, where Sam opened Walton’s 5&10 on the downtown square. They chose Bentonville because Helen wanted small-town living, and Sam could take advantage of the different hunting seasons that living at the corner of four states had to offer. Inspired by the early success of his dime store, and driven to bring even greater opportunity and value to his customers, Sam opened the first Walmart in 1962 at the age of 44 in Rogers, Arkansas.

Sam’s competitors thought his idea that a successful business could be built around offering lower prices and great service would never work. As it turned out, the company’s success exceeded even Sam’s expectations. The company went public in 1970, and the proceeds financed a steady expansion of the business. Sam credited the rapid growth of Walmart not just to the low costs that attracted his customers, but also to his associates. He relied on them to give customers the great shopping experience that would keep them coming back. Sam shared his vision for the company with associates in a way that was nearly unheard of in the industry. He made them partners in the success of the company, and firmly believed that this partnership was what made Walmart great. As the stores grew, so did Sam’s aspirations. In addition to bringing new approaches and technologies to retail, he also experimented with new store formats—including Sam’s Club and the Walmart Supercenter—and even made the decision to take Walmart into Mexico. Sam’s fearlessness in offering lower prices and bringing Walmart’s value to customers in the U.S. and beyond set a standard for the company that lives on to this day. His strong commitment to service and to the values that help individuals, businesses and the country succeed earned him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, awarded by President George H. W. Bush in 1992. It was during Sam’s acceptance remarks that he articulated what would come to be Walmart’s official company purpose. “If we work together,” he said, “we’ll lower the cost of living for everyone…we’ll give the world an opportunity to see what it’s like to save and have a better life.

    "Customer are the king of the market".

Story of Elon musk

Story of Elon musk

             Elon musk

Elon Reeve Musk FRS (/ˈiːlɒn/; born June 28, 1971) is a technology entrepreneur, investor, and engineer. He holds South African, Canadian, and U.S. citizenship and is the founder, CEO, and lead designer of SpaceX; co-founder, CEO, and product architect of Tesla, Inc.; co-founder of Neuralink; founder of The Boring Company; co-founder and co-chairman of OpenAI; and co-founder of PayPal. In December 2016, he was ranked 21st on the Forbes list of The World’s Most Powerful People. He has a net worth of $19.4 billion and is listed by Forbes as the 40th-richest person in the world. Born and raised in Pretoria, South Africa, Musk moved to Canada when he was 17 to attend Queen’s University. He transferred to the University of Pennsylvania two years later, where he received an economics degree from the Wharton School and a degree in physics from the College of Arts and Sciences. He began a Ph.D. in applied physics and material sciences at Stanford University in 1995 but dropped out after two days to pursue an entrepreneurial career. He subsequently co-founded Zip2, a web software company, which was acquired by Compaq for $340 million in 1999.
Musk then founded X.com, an online bank. It merged with Confinity in 2000 and later that year became PayPal, which was bought by eBay for $1.5 billion in October 2002. In May 2002, Musk founded SpaceX, an aerospace manufacturer and space transport services company, of which he is CEO and lead designer. He joined Tesla, Inc., an electric vehicle and solar panel manufacturer, in 2004, the year after it was founded, and became its CEO and product architect. In 2006, he inspired the creation of SolarCity, a solar energy services company (now a subsidiary of Tesla) and operates as its chairman. In 2015, Musk co-founded OpenAI, a nonprofit research company that aims to promote friendly artificial intelligence. In July 2016, he co-founded Neuralink, a neurotechnology company focused on developing brain–computer interfaces. In December 2016, Musk founded The Boring Company, an infrastructure and tunnel-construction company. In addition to his primary business pursuits, Musk has envisioned a high-speed transportation system known as the Hyperloop, and has proposed a vertical take-off and landing supersonic jet electric aircraft with electric fan propulsion, known as the Musk electric jet. Musk has stated that the goals of SpaceX, Tesla, and SolarCity revolve around his vision to change the world and humanity. His goals include reducing global warming through sustainable energy production and consumption, and reducing the risk of human extinction by establishing a human colony on Mars. Source: Wikipedia If you get up in the morning and think the future is going to be better, it is a bright day. Otherwise, it’s not. Elon Musk

Story of Jack ma - Founder of "Alibaba"

Story of Jack ma - Founder of "Alibaba"

                    Jack ma

Jack ma  who was born in a poor family became one of the world’s richest man, After completing his graduation he struggles a lot to get one Job. But today he is providing an opportunity to Lakhs of people to work on his company. 

Jack Ma was born on 10 September 1964 in Hangzhou, China. Jack parents were traditional musicians, and he has one younger sister and elder brother. From his childhood Jack has a curiosity in learning and speaking English. But by that time no one has preferring to speak English in china. Once in 1972 America’s former President Richard M. Nixon has traveled to china for an Official work and visited Jack ma’s city Hangzhou. After visited that place Nixon said that he loved Hangzhou it was a beautiful place to visit. Similarly Hangzhou become a tourist destination and more foreigners preferred to visit that place. Here Jack thought he got one favorable opportunity, by communicating with foreigners will help to improve his English skills for that he became a tourist guide. He used to travel 50 kilometers in his bicycle to reach tourist place. He has been worked for 9 years as a tourist guide. After finishing his schooling he wrote an entrance exam to continue his education in college but he failed in entrance exam for twice. Finally the third time he passed in entrance and completed his college. Later to complete his degree he applied to Harvard University and got rejected more than 10 times. he was desperate with that and enrolled in china normal university and completed his bachelors degree.


Jack entered in job searching, he applied for 30 jobs but unluckily he didn’t get selected in a single job. Subsequently he applied for a police job but they rejected him saying three simple words “you’re no good”. Jack was so frustrated even he applied for a Job in KFC 23 people got selected and the guy only one Jack was got rejected.  Jack Ma is believed in theory of “Never Give Up”. Finally he joined as an English lecturer in one university. By continuing his job he started a translation service company. In 1995 jack visited USA for his company project. Here for the first time jack was introduced to computers and internet Because computers were rare in china. jack was surprised with computers and the first word he had searched in internet was Beer. jack got results for different countries but not china. Jack got a potential business opportunity and started a company called “China Pages” where Chinese Entrepreneurs could do business with the rest of the world. But due lack of funding jack shutdown that business


Later jack got placed in one government job in the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. However jack was not so happy with that job he resigned to that job and by grouping 17 people he established one E-commerce company called Alibaba.com in 1999. Jack continued his efforts to raise funds and eventually two companies Goldman Sachs and Soft Bank invested $25 Million in Alibaba Group. After that with great efforts and unique ideas Alibaba Group profits crossed world’s Largest E-commerce company EBAY in China. Subsequently Jack succeeded in getting Yahoo to invest a huge count $1 Billion for a 40% stake in Alibaba Group in 2005. 

In 2014 Alibaba turned out largest IPO in the world, Jack and his team successfully raised $25 Billion for Alibaba by listing it in the New York stock exchange in the USA. That’s how Alibaba group become the world’s largest company till date. And also Jack Ma donates millions of dollars for people health and education in china.

"Never ever give up".